Instant Annual Servicing for Drain Doctor from ESS
ESS assisting Drain Doctor with it's annual servicing of fleet Confined Space Safety Equipment.
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ESS worked with Mott MacDonald Bentley (MMB) to provide a laser scanning solution for a project tender at a water treatment works in the North of England.
MMB were invited to tender, alongside competing businesses, to provide a solution to increase the capacity and improve water quality of an existing water treatment works in the North of England. Whilst historic client data was available for the site, MMB wanted confidence that true accurate site conditions were captured to verify the data provided and give confidence in the tendered design.
As a competitive tender, correct information around the scale of the customer requirements was essential. ESS and MMB have a well-established relationship and ESS have recently increased the portfolio of laser scanners available to hire.
The project required the installation of new pipework and structures into a complex working site. Due to the complexity of the location, there were several solutions that could have been created and a decision was taken within MMB that using BIM modelling would give the greatest chance of success in this competitive tender. Using traditional surveying methods, the on-site work would have taken several days to complete and a BIM model created from scratch using on-site technical drawings and measurements. As there were several cylindrical tanks on the site that required modelling, there was a risk of higher than usual levels of inaccuracy. Whilst the client was able to provide data around the site, there was a requirement to verify all data to ensure that this included all information required to accurately tender.
Using laser scanning and ESS on-site survey support to provide advice around optimal scanning locations and the most suitable scanners for the job, the MMB team were able to accurately and quickly complete a full site survey in a single day, with no need to revisit the site for additional measurements that were identified as essential whilst completing the BIM modelling work.
ESS provided the Leica RTC360 for this site. The RTC360 is ideal for outdoor use in locations with a range of up to 130m and provides 2 million data points per second; with the speed, ease of use and accurate reliable data it was the perfect choice for this project.
Using the iPad tablet, MMB engineers could ensure that all areas of the site were covered, using the real-time point cloud information to identify blind spots from scans already taken.
The MMB BIM team downloaded the data in to Leica Cyclone Register360 Plus to fully register, geo-reference, check and clean the data. After publishing the point cloud, they used AutoDesk Construction Cloud to analyse dimensions and plan the works required.
This was a significant time-saving when compared to the previous practice of building a BIM model from technical drawings. Following this, the BIM team added the point cloud data into Revizto (BIM Software), to compare the data to the proposed design. Additional benefits to this approach are that the BIM team can build existing handrails, pipeworks, davit arms and other site features that would not usually be captured by a surveyor, meaning the work could be more easily planned.
MMB were able to confidently submit a successful tender for the project as a consequence of the improved information provided. The design model was then used with Leica ICON software on CC80 controllers for setting out functions, to ensure the works completed matched the plans submitted.
Following the success of this project, ESS have provided training in laser scanning to MMB engineers across the UK in several courses. The use of laser scanning as part of tendering, data capture during detail design, temporary works capture for design buildability assessments and as-built data collection is becoming common practice.
Read more and hire the Laser scanner used in this solution; the Leica RTC360 Terrestrial Laser Scanner.