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Sub Station

Sub Station

Substation testing and maintenance is critical and undertaken to ensure the correct management and the lifecycle of the associated assets. Regular testing maximizes the health, efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the assets, including transformers, circuit breakers, protection equipment, battery backup systems and more. Planned maintenance also helps to prevent accidents, and compliance issues and aids to reduce the risk of unplanned shutdowns, and ultimately extend the life of an asset within and downstream of the substation.

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Product of the Month
Schneider Service Interface Kit

The Schneider Service Interface Kit allows you to configure and or test the range of Schneider and earlier Merlin Gerin relays with the one Interface. 

With key features such as:

  • Single connector interface for testing different circuit breakers.
  • 24 Vdc at 120 mA power output for external devices.
  • 12 kV safety impulse protection between user interface and test port.
  • Magnet mountable

Schneider Service Interface Kit