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Sustainable Procurement

Sustainable Procurement

As part of the wider Vp Plc group, at ESS we take social and environmental factors into consideration alongside financial factors in making decisions on the purchase of goods and the commissioning of services.

You can read more about Vp plc's Environmental & Sustainability Programme by at  https://sustainability.vpplc.com

Economic growth, social cohesion and environmental protection go hand in hand

Our purchasing decisions should where practicable consider whole life cost and the associated risks and implications for society and the environment. Procurement can make a significant contribution to our goals of sustainable economic development and resource minimisation by ensuring that the goods and services we buy consider optimum environmental performance. Procurement has an additional role to play in minimising any risk of social exploitation within the supply chain. We believe that this not only makes business sense, it also has the potential to improve the living and working standards of people around the world.