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Leica Geosystems

Leica Geosystems

With a rich history in survey and measurement equipment spanning over 200 years, Leica Geosystems, part of Hexagon, creates complete solutions for professionals across the planet. Known for premium products and innovative solution development, professionals in a diverse mix of industries,including construction and manufacturing,Leica Goesystems partner with ESS to supply precise and accurate instruments, sophisticated software, and trusted services.

Leica Geosystems

Leica Geosystems supply a complete range of survey instrumentation, accessories and software that covers every survey application. Their range includes Automatic Levels, Laser Levels, Total Stations, GNSS systems, Laser Scanning systems, Utility mapping and imaging products as well as innovative software solutions including GeoCloud Drive powered by HxDR.

Product Focus
Leica RTC360 Laser Scanner

The Leica RTC360 Laser Scanner offers fast, reliable and accurate survey data collection wherever you need it.

Leica RTC360 *Laser Scanner*